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An interior architecture inspiration in pale timber warmth and calmenes


An interior architecture inspiration in pale timber

There are many interesting ways to achieve certain a atmosphere with materials in interior design and architecture. One of the special materials is a ”pale timber wood”. In this home from Coblonal Architecture the material is used in most elements of the house – the ceiling, walls and the furniture assembly. This repetition creates a harmonious feeling. Combined with cool elements of steel (in the kitchen) and concrete (in the bathroom), this house is perfect example of harmony between materials. I espessially love the retro modern touch given through lighting accessoires such as the Tom Dixon’s Beat Lights.


Eine Innenarchitektur Inspiration

Auf eine interessante Weise könne wir mit Materialien, eine Bestimmte Atmosphäre in der Innenarchitektur kreieren.  In diesem Hause by Coblonal Architektur wird das Material Holz als Hauptelement verwendet . Die Decke, die Wände und die Möbelmontage – alles aus helles Bauholz. Diese Wiederholung schafft ein harmonisches Gefühl. In Kombination mit kühlen Elementen aus Stahl ( in der Küche ) und Beton ( im Bad) , ist dieses Haus perfektes Beispiel für Harmonie zwischen Materialien. Ich mag besonders hier die “Beat Lights“ bei Tom Dixon die den ganzen Interior einen retro-modernen Gefühl kreieren. 

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Arquitectura - Interiorismo

ideas for inner architecture with wooden elements

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Arquitectura - Interiorismo

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Inspiration in interior architecture with timber wood

Images/ Bilder via Coblonal Architecture