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An interior mix of vintage, classic and modern styles – Copenhagen Apartment home tour

Instahome #3 Pernille Baastrup @pernillebaastrup

Pernille Baastrup is a Danish digital marketing and e-commerce professional who has a great talent for interior styling. On her instagram account she shares how she creates a beautiful home in her Copenhagen Apartment mixed with modern design classics, vintage heirlooms from her grandparents and a beautiful art collection including classics like Matisse with new artists like Jonathan Lawes. Yes, Pernille loves to mix and match the old with the new. In today’s home tour story she shows us brilliantly how.

Designsetter: Dear Pernille, thank you for inviting us to your home. Would you please shortly introduce yourself?

Pernille: I’m a 34 old digital marketing and e-commerce professional living in Copenhagen with my boyfriend.

Designsetter: Please tell the story of your current home. How did you find/build it? What drew you to it? How long do you live in this house/apartment?

Pernille: I bought the apartment when I got my first full-time job after finishing my studies 4 years ago. It’s a cohousing flat which is quite normal here in Copenhagen and less expensive than a regular owner-occupied flat – and therefore also very popular. So it was a bit of a race getting the apartment, but luckily I got it and I really love living here.

Scandinavian interior, copenhagen appartient, mixing old and new interior

Designsetter: Can you describe the layout of the home?

Pernille: Well, I’m a Scandinavian minimalist which I think is pretty obvious when you see my home. I love the white airy space and to mix new design and heirlooms from my grandparents.

Designsetter: How would you describe your living style and design philosophy and how you create it with your interior ?

Pernille: My home is my private sanctuary and it is important for me that nothing here disturbs my thoughts. My rooms should instead create a space to think and reflect on what’s important in life.

Scandinavian interior, copenhagen appartient, mixing old and new interior

Scandinavian interior, copenhagen appartient, mixing old and new interior

Designsetter: What atmosphere do you like to create at home with your interior styling?

Pernille: I wish to create a relaxed atmosphere what gives the most optimal space for reflection.

Designsetter: How do you achieve the desired feeling with your interior?

Pernille: I like that every object have a meaning – either functional or personal. Therefore, I strive to keep things minimal by surrounding myself with things that matter and dispose everything I don’t need.   

Designsetter: Where do you draw inspiration?

Pernille: I get a lot of inspiration from Instagram, but also magazines like Kinfolk and the danish design store “Illums Bolighus”.

Designsetter: Pernille, your home is filled with constantly rotating wall art. What art are you drawn to and how changing / adding new pieces affects the atmosphere in your home?

Pernille: I have a great love for different kinds of art work. I love to mix classics like Matisse with new artists like Jonathan Lawes. I’m drawn to abstract art and artworks with a simple picturesque touch that have something on it’s mind without shouting it and that surprises by for example adding a splash of colour.

My home is as mentioned very minimalistic and the colour palette is quiet so the art is my way of getting some colours in and creating an interesting interior rich with details.

Scandinavian interior, copenhagen apartment, mixing old and new interior

Scandinavian interior, copenhagen apartment, mixing old and new interiorDesignsetter: You are awaiting a child to join your living space soon. Do you think your interior will change massively or you would like to keep the same interior style you have now, adding only a few small changes? Pernille: I’m excited to see how I’m gonna cope with having a child that leaves toys all over the apartment. I tend to get a bit stressed out when I think the apartment is too messy, so I hope I will be able to keep the same interior style and then adding different kinds of baskets and storage boxes for his toys that I think fits into my style. It will out a doubt be a challenge, but one I’m really looking forward to of course :) Designsetter: Do you see yourself living for many years in your current home or do you have a “dream home” in mind for the future? If so, can you describe your dream home? Pernille: It a really difficult question. I love this apartment and I could easily see us living here for years, but if we one day decide to have child number two I would prefer an extra room and maybe a small garden. I love old brick houses and could see myself in one, but I’m sure I will miss the city too much.

Designsetter: What are the other sources for your decor objects/furniture? Favorite pieces to achieve your interior style?

Pernille: I like to bring in flowers to add some colours. I often buy a bouquet friday after work that I can enjoy in the weekends.

Designsetter: Do you have a favorite corner(s) at home?

Pernille: I like to sit in my sofa where I can see all the way through my living room to my bedroom. Especially when there’s a beautiful bouquet of flowers on the dining table!

Scandinavian interior, copenhagen apartment, mixing old and new interior

Designsetter: You are awaiting a child to join your living space soon. Do you think your interior will change massively or you would like to keep the same interior style you have now, adding only a few small changes?

Pernille: I’m excited to see how I’m gonna cope with having a child that leaves toys all over the apartment. I tend to get a bit stressed out when I think the apartment is too messy, so I hope I will be able to keep the same interior style and then adding different kinds of baskets and storage boxes for his toys that I think fits into my style. It will out a doubt be a challenge, but one I’m really looking forward to of course 🙂

Designsetter: Do you see yourself living for many years in your current home or do you have a “dream home” in mind for the future? If so, can you describe your dream home?

Pernille: It a really difficult question. I love this apartment and I could easily see us living here for years, but if we one day decide to have child number two I would prefer an extra room and maybe a small garden. I love old brick houses and could see myself in one, but I’m sure I will miss the city too much.

Designsetter: You are awaiting a child to join your living space soon. Do you think your interior will change massively or you would like to keep the same interior style you have now, adding only a few small changes? Pernille: I’m excited to see how I’m gonna cope with having a child that leaves toys all over the apartment. I tend to get a bit stressed out when I think the apartment is too messy, so I hope I will be able to keep the same interior style and then adding different kinds of baskets and storage boxes for his toys that I think fits into my style. It will out a doubt be a challenge, but one I’m really looking forward to of course :) Designsetter: Do you see yourself living for many years in your current home or do you have a “dream home” in mind for the future? If so, can you describe your dream home? Pernille: It a really difficult question. I love this apartment and I could easily see us living here for years, but if we one day decide to have child number two I would prefer an extra room and maybe a small garden. I love old brick houses and could see myself in one, but I’m sure I will miss the city too much.

Designsetter: You are awaiting a child to join your living space soon. Do you think your interior will change massively or you would like to keep the same interior style you have now, adding only a few small changes? Pernille: I’m excited to see how I’m gonna cope with having a child that leaves toys all over the apartment. I tend to get a bit stressed out when I think the apartment is too messy, so I hope I will be able to keep the same interior style and then adding different kinds of baskets and storage boxes for his toys that I think fits into my style. It will out a doubt be a challenge, but one I’m really looking forward to of course :) Designsetter: Do you see yourself living for many years in your current home or do you have a “dream home” in mind for the future? If so, can you describe your dream home? Pernille: It a really difficult question. I love this apartment and I could easily see us living here for years, but if we one day decide to have child number two I would prefer an extra room and maybe a small garden. I love old brick houses and could see myself in one, but I’m sure I will miss the city too much. Designsetter: You are awaiting a child to join your living space soon. Do you think your interior will change massively or you would like to keep the same interior style you have now, adding only a few small changes? Pernille: I’m excited to see how I’m gonna cope with having a child that leaves toys all over the apartment. I tend to get a bit stressed out when I think the apartment is too messy, so I hope I will be able to keep the same interior style and then adding different kinds of baskets and storage boxes for his toys that I think fits into my style. It will out a doubt be a challenge, but one I’m really looking forward to of course :) Designsetter: Do you see yourself living for many years in your current home or do you have a “dream home” in mind for the future? If so, can you describe your dream home? Pernille: It a really difficult question. I love this apartment and I could easily see us living here for years, but if we one day decide to have child number two I would prefer an extra room and maybe a small garden. I love old brick houses and could see myself in one, but I’m sure I will miss the city too much.

Pernille Baastrup. You can see more inspiration by Pernille on her blog: www.pernillebaastrup.com